
Cambridge – the new California?

When you think of Cambridge, what do you think of? The university, and punting on the Cam, most likely. Well, browsing around the technology blogs, as I do, I came across this on the BBC’s...

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The things you do for good seach engine listings!

So the saga of the Freshleaf Media website continues. We launched the site on a new domain back in May, and although we were delighted with our new toy, Google was less than impressed, and...

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So what does Chrome mean for Mozilla, and for me?

So what does Chrome mean for Mozilla, and for me?

As a post-script to my post on Google’s newly launched browser, Chrome, I just wanted to add some thoughts on what this means for Mozilla. Their browser, Firefox, is currently the best browser out...

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Welcome to the world, Google Chrome

Welcome to the world, Google Chrome

You might have to be living under a rock to have missed the launch of Google’s brand new, open source browser Chrome earlier this week; but you might be wondering what all the fuss is...

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The future of the Corporate Website: irrelevance, evolution or extinction?

Anyone who regularly reads this blog will know that I’ve spent some time contemplating the corporate website: what defines it, and what makes a good one. And, in common with a number of other...

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Web Browsers Revisited

As a designer, some days there just aren’t words for how much I hate Internet Explorer 6. It is the least standards-compliant browser still massively in use; which is a nice way of saying that it...

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Freshleaf welcomes new staff!

This week things are are busier at Freshleaf than they’ve ever been, thanks to the arrival of three (count ’em: three!) new staff members. We can now proudly boast extra php development power,...

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Aviary – another feather in your design cap?

Aviary – another feather in your design cap?

An “early-bird” invite for the intriguing looking Aviary suite plopped into my particular corner of the Freshleaf inbox today. I’ve been following the development of this collection of Flash-based...

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We’re working with the expert!

We’re working with the expert!

Here at Freshleaf we specialise in building websites for high-tech industries, which is one of the reasons we’re so pleased to be working with semiconductor industry expert Malcolm Penn. Malcolm...

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Should we all have Corporate Blogs?

Here at Freshleaf, as you may have noticed, we have a company blog. We update it regularly with our thoughts and experiences around our key business, corporate website design. We also often...

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