
Six reasons to use a web design agency to support your in-house skills

1. Access a wider range of skills It goes without saying that unless you have a ten or fifteen man multi-disciplinary team, you’re not going to cover every concievable skillset. Even most...

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Web design & development: in-house or outsource?

Web design & development: in-house or outsource?

In house web design teams are great. I was in one myself for quite some time. No, in fact, I was one: it was just me. And I’ll tell you something else: I used to raise my hackles and bare my fangs...

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The Corporate Website Taste Test…

The Corporate Website Taste Test…

Survey says: it’s official, Coke is better than Pepsi. Bowen Craggs & Co, “website effectiveness experts” have published an ‘Index of Corporate Website Effectiveness’ for 2008. Their aim, so they...

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Happy Birthday, Google saves the world!

Happy Birthday, Google saves the world!

So Google is now ten years old. How time flies when you’re creating complex search algorithms, eh? Not being ones to make a big noise about things (much) Google have launched some fairly...

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Cambridge – the new California?

When you think of Cambridge, what do you think of? The university, and punting on the Cam, most likely. Well, browsing around the technology blogs, as I do, I came across this on the BBC’s...

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The things you do for good seach engine listings!

So the saga of the Freshleaf Media website continues. We launched the site on a new domain back in May, and although we were delighted with our new toy, Google was less than impressed, and...

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So what does Chrome mean for Mozilla, and for me?

So what does Chrome mean for Mozilla, and for me?

As a post-script to my post on Google’s newly launched browser, Chrome, I just wanted to add some thoughts on what this means for Mozilla. Their browser, Firefox, is currently the best browser out...

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Welcome to the world, Google Chrome

Welcome to the world, Google Chrome

You might have to be living under a rock to have missed the launch of Google’s brand new, open source browser Chrome earlier this week; but you might be wondering what all the fuss is...

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The future of the Corporate Website: irrelevance, evolution or extinction?

Anyone who regularly reads this blog will know that I’ve spent some time contemplating the corporate website: what defines it, and what makes a good one. And, in common with a number of other...

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Web Browsers Revisited

As a designer, some days there just aren’t words for how much I hate Internet Explorer 6. It is the least standards-compliant browser still massively in use; which is a nice way of saying that it...

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