Category: Corporate Websites

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Death to lorem ipsum: putting content first.

Death to lorem ipsum: putting content first.

There’s a lot of threads to pull together to successfully build and launch a new website. You take time to plan the sitemap, user journey, messaging, broad look and feel requirements, build...

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Why a Facebook page is not enough

Why a Facebook page is not enough

Are you putting your content up on Facebook because your website is too hard to update? Here's why that might not be such a good idea. A number of times lately I’ve been talking to folks about...

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How to choose a website design agency

How to choose a website design agency

Choosing a web design agency – it can be a tricky thing. Do you go for the first thing that comes up on Google, do you poll everyone you’ve ever met to see if they have any recommendations, or do...

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Why you need a website that engages & converts

Why you need a website that engages & converts

With 70-80% of B2B buyers researching extensively online and over one third getting to shortlist stage before making contact with potential suppliers, the game has changed. Before you can talk to...

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Short attention spans and why design matters

Short attention spans and why design matters

It’s official, we now actually have the attention span of a goldfish – or rather, less. Smartphones, Facebook, Twitter with its 140 characters, and the constant stream of things competing for our...

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7 Things to consider when it’s redesign time

7 Things to consider when it’s redesign time

There’s a lot to think about when you start considering redesigning the company website, so below are a few of the considerations, and things that sometimes get overlooked. 1. When is it...

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“Epic” new Vantablack site goes live

“Epic” new Vantablack site goes live

At Freshleaf we’re very excited today by the launch of a brand new site for our long-standing client Surrey NanoSystems. When we started working with SNS they were a fairly typical Freshleaf...

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What makes a good strapline?

What makes a good strapline?

A strapline is supposed to encapsulate everything about your business, telling customers about who you are, what you do, and more importantly why that’s great for them – in just a handful of...

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Start-ups, mergers and acquisitions – the lifecycle of a corporate website

Start-ups, mergers and acquisitions – the lifecycle of a corporate website

We recently lost one of our well established clients – Icera – when the company was swallowed up by a larger tech giant, Nvidia. We were sorry to see them go, but that’s the way it goes with...

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Marketing your website and your business – going back to basics

Marketing your website and your business – going back to basics

Once your corporate website is up and running (or even during the build process), inevitably someone will mention digital marketing, search engine marketing, and social media… and quite rightly...

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Search Engine Optimisation – the myth and the magic

Search Engine Optimisation – the myth and the magic

Search engine optimisation has become big business, and sometimes it feels like there’s so much myth and misdirection surrounding it that it’s a wonder anyone can get a grip on the subject. But...

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Getting the best out of everyone – thoughts on the agency/client relationship

Getting the best out of everyone – thoughts on the agency/client relationship

If you had to name the most important factor in running a successful web design project, what would it be? The available budget? The skills of the developers? The creativity of the designers?...

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A bird in the hand… A brief guide to successful corporate twittering

A bird in the hand… A brief guide to successful corporate twittering

It seem’s there’s no escaping the rise of Twitter. The bite-sized micro-blogging platform divides people like few online services before, some proclaiming it the greatest advance since the search...

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9 tips for an effective corporate website

9 tips for an effective corporate website

We posted this list previously some time ago in an article entitled Understanding Corporate Websites, but I think it’s worth un-burying as a post in its own right. From start to finish – 9...

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Brand design: a good brand should….

Brand design: a good brand should….

Not to be confused with the old practice of marking criminals with a hot iron, branding uses name, typography, image and colour to convey the identity of a company, product or service at a glance....

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