Category: Web Applications

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New software, and the cobbler’s children

New software, and the cobbler’s children

This post takes a look at how we eventually scrapped our outdated intranet software, and made life better for everyone by building a new custom system.   The software that helps run the...

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Custom development: your way out of spreadsheet hell?

Custom development: your way out of spreadsheet hell?

Businesses run on data. And there are some really good systems available to manage some of that data. Your financial data might live in Xero or Quickbooks or Sage. And your customer data lives in...

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Who do I get to redesign my website?

Who do I get to redesign my website?

It’s pretty much safe to say, in this day and age, that every business needs a website. And so the question arises: how do we get that done?  There are a few...

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The hidden cost of poor software

The hidden cost of poor software

Find out why software that you have to 'bend to fit' could be costing your business more than you think; and why there might be a better way. Business applications can make or break your...

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What is a web app and why do I need one?

What is a web app and why do I need one?

Most of us use web apps every single day without really thinking about it; and most of us don't realise how easy it is to replace difficult and outdated work processes with a custom-built, easy to...

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Are you managing business data using spreadsheets?

Are you managing business data using spreadsheets?

In modern business we’re blessed with an abundance of data. We have information about every facet of our businesses at our fingertips, from pricing to portfolios to personnel. The challenge is...

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