
Does Google prefer hyphens or underscores?

Senior Google guy Matt Cutts has recently confirmed that it is still preferable to use a hyphen instead of an underscore when naming files or web pages. Google will read a URL such as...

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Corporate website design experiment: how to use a blog to increase your ranking in the search engines.

Everybody knows that a better result in the search engines = more traffic = more sales, right? So here’s an experiment to see just how easy (or difficult) it is to claw your way up the search...

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Why mega-pixels don’t always mean mega-pictures…

Over the past couple of years we’ve seen an increasing number of clients nipping out with the office digital camera when asked to provide a photo of a product or team member for their website or...

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On wide monitors, liquid layouts and line lengths…

Read any decent article on CSS layout nowadays and you’ll inevitably see mention of “liquid” layouts, where the page contents scale to fill the available browser space. They’ve become something of...

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The pen is mightier than the form

The pen is mightier than the form

We’ve been thinking quite a bit about language recently here at Wordsun, and its role in creating a strong user experience for our site visitors. Like lots of web development companies, we like to...

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Distorted images in Internet Explorer

One of our clients recently complained that the images on their website were looking distorted and fuzzy when viewed in Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP. We tried to replicate the problem on our...

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