
Should my website be on HTTPS? (Tip: the answer is yes)

Should my website be on HTTPS? (Tip: the answer is yes)

What is HTTPS, and why do I need it? To find out if your website should be using a secure protocol to limit the chance of data theft, read on... Recently, Google has announced that newer...

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Website security: nobody cares until something goes wrong

Website security: nobody cares until something goes wrong

I know you don’t want to, but take two minutes to read this post because the 7 tips below can help make sure your website doesn’t get hacked. Website security. You don't want to know, right?...

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Tech start-up? How to get more from your first website.

Tech start-up? How to get more from your first website.

Use your website to build credibility for your start-up or scale-up, fast. The technology sector is one of the fastest-growing and most exciting industries in the UK. In the first six months of...

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Mobile World Congress – is your website ready?

Mobile World Congress – is your website ready?

Mobile World Congress. The annual pilgrimage to Barcelona is the biggest event in the marketing calendar for anyone in mobile tech or allied industries. And although the event isn’t until...

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How to make sure your technology website builds credibility

How to make sure your technology website builds credibility

If you’re marketing in the B2B tech sector, you’ll know that tech websites generally have a range of goals: to inform, to educate, to build the brand, to build a community, to attract investment,...

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How to build a company intranet

How to build a company intranet

At Freshleaf we have an intranet. We’ve used it ever since we started the business, and it’s one we built ourselves. It’s a fantastic tool, without which I would be frighteningly disorganised. It...

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WordPress site compromised? You’re not alone.

WordPress site compromised? You’re not alone.

Ah, WordPress. An excellent platform, but one plagued by security concerns.  Earlier this week we were discussing WordPress with a client; its strengths and weaknesses, and what exactly the deal...

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Why a Facebook page is not enough

Why a Facebook page is not enough

Are you putting your content up on Facebook because your website is too hard to update? Here's why that might not be such a good idea. A number of times lately I’ve been talking to folks about...

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5 easy ways to improve your website today

5 easy ways to improve your website today

This post will help you make your website better. It doesn't take long to read, and it's things you can do right now. Everyone’s got a website. But most of us are caught in a cycle of ‘update...

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