
Straplines: the good, the bad and the ugly

Straplines: the good, the bad and the ugly

When I switch on my laptop, it puts up on the screen “In search of incredible”. And I always think “Really?” - because I thought I was just going to watch Netflix. Asus’ strapline is supposed to...

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What's lurking beneath?

What's lurking beneath?

Just like with an iceberg, when we look at a website, we’re only seeing a fraction of what is really going on. What could be lurking beneath the glossy exterior of your website? On the...

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Who do I get to redesign my website?

Who do I get to redesign my website?

It’s pretty much safe to say, in this day and age, that every business needs a website. And so the question arises: how do we get that done?  There are a few...

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How to choose a website design agency

How to choose a website design agency

Choosing a web design agency – it can be a tricky thing. Do you go for the first thing that comes up on Google, do you poll everyone you’ve ever met to see if they have any recommendations, or do...

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Don't stick with bad stock - how to find great free images for your website

Don't stick with bad stock - how to find great free images for your website

A website design can stand or fall on its imagery. It’s possible to make a website beautiful in lots of ways, but trying to make one without any photography of at all is kind of a tall order....

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Five common website errors that annoy your visitors

Five common website errors that annoy your visitors

Does your website feature any of these things that annoy the majority of people? Here are five of the most basic usability sins - the issues you might have on your website that annoy your...

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Agencies – at your service?

Agencies – at your service?

How the customer/agency relationship can go wrong, and how to avoid it. When I’m talking to new or existing customers, I like to talk to them about other agencies. What can I say? – I’m nosy. ...

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Better passwords that you can actually remember

Better passwords that you can actually remember

The protection of data is key to the internet. Here at Freshleaf we have put a great deal of time into making our password protected areas as secure as possible using the most up-to-date and...

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Why you need a website that engages & converts

Why you need a website that engages & converts

With 70-80% of B2B buyers researching extensively online and over one third getting to shortlist stage before making contact with potential suppliers, the game has changed. Before you can talk to...

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High-profile hacks and data leaks, and what we should learn from them

High-profile hacks and data leaks, and what we should learn from them

When are we going to learn that if we leave an open door to our data, someone will walk right in and help themselves? Data isn’t inherently unsafe. And yet it seems like not a day goes past...

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